
A Few Objections to a Majority Text Position

Editorial Note: I am leaving this article up, but it should be noted that I no longer hold the position on the text of the New Testament which I held at the time of writing this article. I would say that I now, broadly speaking, embrace the Critical Text and the underlying eclectic methodology. I have decided to write this article in response to a video posted by Pastor Matthew Everhard on the subject of the majority text. I want to state up front that this is a friendly article intended to stimulate brotherly conversation. Pastor Everhard’s online ministry has greatly influenced me in many ways, and this particular video on the Majority Text has much to commend it. In fact, the straightforward and clear nature of the video is what makes it such a great starting point for further conversation.  I also want to note that as a TR advocate, I feel great affinity for those who hold to the Majority Text. One point of connection between our two camps is the simple reality that the TR and MT a
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